What is the purpose of the charter?
At Heetch, the protection of your personal data is a priority.
The HEETCH company
Simplified joint stock company, registered with the Paris RCS under number 794 693 960
Head office: 198 bis rue Lafayette,
75010 Paris
Intra-community VAT number FR 81794693960
Phone: 01 76 43 11 85
What is personal data?
When you use the “Heetch” mobile application (hereinafter: the “Application”) and/or the website accessible at (hereinafter, the “Site”) as a passenger (hereinafter the “Passenger”) or as a driver (hereinafter the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to together as the “Users”), we may ask you to provide us with personal data concerning you in order to use our services (hereinafter the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to together as the “Users”), we may ask you to provide us with personal data concerning you in order to use our services (hereinafter the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”), (hereinafter referred to “Services”).
What personal data does Heetch collect?
As part of our activity, we are required to collect a certain amount of information about you, and in particular:
The Webflow company,
Inc.Head Office: 398 11th Street, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103